Monday, July 26, 2010

Whip It!

Dear Chase:

As with all things in life..... there is a beginning, a middle and an end. I look at baking in a very similar way that I look at life. In baking you start off with some well chosen ingredients, a few tools at hand, directions and guidelines to follow, you wait for the outcome of each new recipe you try and once have completed the process... you enjoy the fruits of your labor in your own individual way. I prefer to enjoy all my endings with a dopple of homemade whip cream that I customize for each dessert. I remember this one time, I made my go to dessert for our weekly family dinner at your grandmother's house... classic raisin bread pudding. I always serve it with my homemade amaretto whip cream and your grandmother commented that she would serve this with the classic store bought cool whip..ha! I too grew up putting cool whip on everything from jello, chocolate pudding, to my strawberries and just makes everything taste better. Now that I have learned to make my own, I think it is definitely worth the extra time to make it. Below is my recipe to make each of your endings just as memorable and special.


(1) pint of heavy cream
1/4 cup of confectioner's sugar (powdered)
(1) tsp. vanilla extract
(1) tsp amaretto liquor


Place (1) pint of heavy cream in a medium size bowl. Add vanilla and amaretto and begin to beat on medium for 2-3 minutes. The cream will start to stiffen and once you get it to a creamy texture, you can start slowly adding the sugar (add more if you want it a bit sweeter). Do not over mix and you always want to use powdered sugar versus any other kind of sugar.  The powered sugar keeps the cream light and fluffy, as you can see in the picture above. Once the cream forms you will mix for about another 30 seconds. Chill in the refrigerator until ready to serve and the cream can be stored for up to 3 days.

Use this whipped cream on anything you choose, I recommend fruit salads, hot chocolate or even your morning cup of coffee as my sister in law, Jenica likes to do.

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